Tak mengherankan jika kota ini diprediksikan bakal memimpin pertumbuhan nilai properti hunian mewah di seluruh dunia.
Hasil riset Cluttons menunjukkan, sejak 2010, nilai properti di kota terbesar kedua Uni Emirat Arab tersebut melonjak 13,6 persen, dan Burj Khalifa mengalami pertumbuhan harga terbesar yakni 87,5 persen sejak dilansir kepada publik perdana tahun 2006.
Kenaikan pembelian didukung oleh suku bunga kredit pemilikan apartemen yang terjangkau dan regulasi properti yang ramah investasi.
Currently, apartment values in the tower stand at AED 3,750 per square foot, which is 50 percent higher than in 2009, Cluttons reports. Across Dubai, average property prices are AED 1,359 per square foot.
A separate report from Cluttons found average capital values of Dubai residential property increased by 53 percent during the third quarter, compared to last year.
According to a global forecast from Knight Frank last week, Dubai's prime residential property is expected to record the world's highest growth in prices in 2014.
- See more at: http://www.worldpropertychannel.com/middle-east-africa-residential-news/burj-khalifa-dubai-world-tallest-building-residential-values-uae-cluttons-7823.php#sthash.uUwrg74V.dpuf