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Para Pemenang Indonesia Property Awards 2019

Penganugerahan diberikan pada Kamis (19/9/2019) malam di Ritz Carlton Hotel, Pacific Place, Jakarta, yang diikuti oleh 35 pengembang properti dari seluruh Indonesia.

Menurut Ketua Panel Juri Doddy A Tjahjadi, kontestan yang mengajukan entry tahun ini lebih banyak ketimbang tahun lalu yang berjumlah 30 pengembang.

"Demikian halnya untuk jumlah proyek. Lebih banyak, dan lebih variatif dengan range cukup lebar. Mulai dari proyek luxurious hingga affordable properti," tutur Doddy menjawab

Indonesia Property Awards 2019 juga memperkenalkan kategori baru yakni, Emerging Developer, Special Recognition, Town Houses, dan Industrial Estate Development.

Tampil sebagai pengembang terbaik adalah PT Intiland Development Tbk. Gelar ini merupakan kali kedua yang diraih perusahaan besutan Hendro S Gondokusumo, setelah 2016 lalu.

Selain itu, Intiland juga membawa pulang penghargaan untuk kategori Best High End Condo Development (Jakarta), serta Special Recognition in Sustainable Development and the Special Recognition for Design and Construction.

Chief Executive Officer PropertyGuru Group Hari V Krishnan mengatakan, sangat bangga
dengan pencapaian perusahaan-perusahaan terpilih yang telah berpartisipasi. 

"Termasuk penghargaan untuk fasilitas publik dan segmen perumahan umum," kata Hari.

Para pemenang ini akan mewakili Indonesia ini pada grand final regional PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards 2019 yang digelar November mendatang di Bangkok, Thailand.

Berikut daftar pemenang Indonesia Property Awards 2019:

Best Developers

  • Best Developer: PT Intiland Development Tbk
  • Best Boutique Developer: Triniti Land
  • Best Emerging Developer: Astra Property

Best Development

  • Best Luxury Condo Development (Jakarta): Anandamaya Residences - Astra Property dan  Hongkong Land
  • Best High End Condo Development (Jakarta): SQ RÉS - PT Intiland Development Tbk
  • Best Mid End Condo Development: Springwood Residence - Triniti Dinamik, member of Triniti Land
  • Best Housing Development (Jakarta): Toba Lake Villa at ASYA - PT Astra Modern Land
  • Best High End Condo Development (Greater Jakarta): The Smith Office SOHO Residence - Triniti Dinamik, member of Triniti Land
  • Best Affordable Condo Development (Greater Jakarta): JP Apartment - Greenwoods Group
  • Best Housing Development (Greater Jakarta): Citaville Parung Panjang - Greenwoods Group
  • Best Town House Development (Greater Jakarta): Cornerstone House - PT Easton Urban Kapital
  • Best Condo Development (Greater Indonesia): The Nove Apartment Nuvasa Bay - Sinarmas Land
  • Best Housing Development (Greater Indonesia): Paramount Village, Semarang - Paramount Land
  • Best High Rise Office Development: Menara Astra - Astra Property
  • Best Medium Rise Office Development: HQuarters - Investaland Indonesia
  • Best Retail Development: Pondok Indah Mall 3 - PT Metropolitan Kentjana Tbk
  • Best Luxury Hotel Development: InterContinental Hotel Jakarta Pondok Indah - PT Pondok Indah Hotel
  • Best Boutique Hotel Development: Hotel De Paviljoen - Investaland Indonesia
  • Best Industrial Estate Development: ModernCikande Industrial Estate - PT Modernland Realty Tbk
  • Best Mixed Use Development (Jakarta): Pondok Indah City Center - PP Metropolitan Kentjana Tbk
  • Best Mixed Use Development (Greater Indonesia): Meisterstadt - PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk
  • Best Township Development: Citraraya Tangerang - PT Ciputra Residence

Best Design

  • Best Luxury Condo Architectural Design: Pollux Sky Suites - AESLER (PT Aesler Group Internasional)
  • Best High End Condo Architectural Design: Arumaya - Astra Property dan Hongkong Land
  • Best Mid End Condo Architectural Design: Vasaka Nines - PT Waskita Karya Realty
  • Best Low Rise Condo Architectural Design: Paul & Prive at Marc’s Boulevard - Triniti Land
  • Best Housing Architectural Design (Jakarta): Toba Lake Villa at ASYA - PT Astra Modern Land
  • Best Housing Architectural Design (Greater Indonesia): Damara Village Jimbaran Hijau at Bali - Greenwoods Group
  • Best Luxury Condo Interior Design: Anandamaya Residences - Astra Property dan Hongkong Land
  • Best Mid End Condo Interior Design: Springwood Residence - Triniti Dinamik, member of Triniti Land
  • Best Condo Landscape Architectural Design (Jakarta): Anandamaya Residences - Astra Property dan Hongkong Land
  • Best Condo Landscape Architectural Design (Greater Indonesia): The Nove Apartment Nuvasa Bay - Sinar Mas Land
  • Best Housing Interior Design: Toba Lake Villa at ASYA - PT Astra Modern Land
  • Best Housing Landscape Architectural Design: Toba Lake Villa at ASYA - PT Astra Modern Land
  • Best Medium Rise Office Architectural Design: HQuarters - Investaland Indonesia
  • Best Office Architectural Design: World Capital Tower - PT Mega Kuningan Pinnacle, a subsidiary of PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk
  • Best Boutique Hotel Interior Design: Hotel De Paviljoen - Investaland Indonesia
  • Best Boutique Hotel Landscape Architectural Design: Citadines Berawa Beach Bali - Genesis Indojaya
  • Best Mixed Use Architectural Design: Meisterstadt - AESLER (PT Aesler Grup Internasional)
  • Best Township Masterplan Design: Jakarta Garden City - PT Modernland Realty Tbk

Best Indonesia Property Awards

  • Best Green Development: Kota Baru Parahyangan - PT Belaputera Intiland
  • Best Condo Development (Indonesia): Anandamaya Residences - Astra Property dan Hongkong Land
  • Best Housing Development (Indonesia): Toba Lake Villa at ASYA - PT Astra Modern Land

Best Recognition

  • Special Recognition in CSR: PT Belaputera Intiland
  • Special Recognition in Sustainable Development: PT Intiland Development Tbk
  • Special Recognition for Design and Construction: PT Intiland Development Tbk
  • Special Recognition for Public Facility: MRT Jakarta (Phase I: Lebak Bulus-Bundaran HI) - PT MRT Jakarta
  • Special Recognition for Public Housing: Rumah Susun Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah, Kabupaten Tulungagung - The Ministry of Public Works and Housing

Publisher's Choice

Indonesia Real Estate Personality of the Year: Budiarsa Saswinatra, Managing Director Ciputra Group/President Director PT Ciputra Residence

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